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3 Facebook Advertising Objectives Every Auto Repair Shop Should Be Using In 2021

Jason Strand
May 11, 2021

There are over 150,000 auto repair shops in the United States alone, so how do you make yours stand out amongst all the competition?

Sure, you may have the best customer service or the highest quality repairs, but none of that matters if nobody knows who you are or what you do!

That’s where Facebook advertising comes in.

Today, we’ll tell you about 3 key Facebook advertising objectives that any auto repair business can use to reach more people, build top-of-mind awareness, and get people to watch your content.

The best part is, Facebook is the most cost-effective advertising out there, so you don’t have to break the bank in order to see significant results.

Objective #1: Reach

The Reach objective on Facebook does exactly what it sounds like. It helps you reach a larger number of people in your target area compared to other campaigns.

If you want to dive deeper into what the Reach objective is, you can read our previous blog or watch our short video where we explain every aspect. Both resources go into much more detail about the Reach objective and how you can use it effectively.

Basically, why the Reach objective works so well is because Facebook is able to target your ad to a specific area, and then show it to as many people as possible according to the budget you set.

If you have a special you want everyone in your area to know about or any message that you think will be effective if more people see it, Reach is the objective you will want to use!

Here’s one example of how effective the Reach objective can be:

  • Ad Spend: $50
  • Reach: 24,141 paid
  • $2.10 per 1,000 people reached
A screenshot of a facebook post showing the post details and advertising performance.

Objective #2: Brand Awareness

The Brand Awareness objective on Facebook is like the Reach objective because you should use it as more of a “top of the funnel” objective in order to introduce yourself to customers in your area. The one key difference is that the Reach objective focuses on pure Reach numbers, the largest amount unique people seeing your ad as possible.

By using Brand Awareness instead, you’re telling Facebook you care more about the people that are more likely to pay attention to your ad. Facebook uses a metric called “Estimated Ad Recall Lift” to calculate which users spend more time looking at, clicking, watching ads so they are more likely to remember that ad.

We also wrote a more in-depth blog and recorded a short video that both cover the Brand Awareness objective, so if you want to really dig in to how the Brand Awareness objective works, check those resources out!

The main point of using the Brand Awareness objective is not just to get your message in front of more people, but to get your message to the RIGHT people who are going to pay attention and remember your name so that they think of you when they need to do business later.

Here is an example of some stats associated with a Brand Awareness ad:

  • Ad Spend: $94.28
  • Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people likely to remember the ad): 2,240
  • Reach: 13,304

A facebook post showing people to how to upload images to their google my business profile.

Objective #3: Video Views

The Video Views objective on Facebook is probably the most straightforward objective to understand. By using this objective, you’re telling Facebook that you want more people to watch your video asset.

The easiest way to understand this ad objective is by thinking about it like a TV commercial. The more people see your commercial on TV, the more your business will build top-of-mind awareness in your consumers' minds. To learn more specifics about the Video Views objective, you can read our blog or watch our video, which both go further into details about how they work and why. Most business owners understand the value of TV advertising, but sometimes paying for a TV ad is too expensive for local business marketing budgets.

Luckily, this is one of the single most cost-effective objectives on Facebook, so you can literally have thousands of views on your video just by putting a few hundred dollars toward your campaign. You can shoot a quick video with your phone, or if you’ve already paid to have someone shoot a commercial for you, all you need to do is upload that video to Facebook and you can have thousands more viewers!

If you don’t have a video asset and you want to create one, we also offer a local photo or video shoot anywhere in the US.

Here’s an example of a Video Views ad and some results:

  • Ad Spend: $100
  • Video Views: 2,020 views 15 seconds or greater
  • Reach: 9,637 paid

A screenshot of a facebook page showing advertising objectives.


There you have it! We hope you learned a bit more about the Facebook advertising objectives listed above and can use them effectively. Please comment with questions you have below or reach out to us on Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube! We are here to answer your questions and help you succeed on social media.

Optimize Social Media provides social media & reputation solutions that evolve with our clients. As social media experts we manage Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yelp, YouTube and Instagram accounts for our clients on a daily basis. We help the modern business owner implement a specialized social media strategy so that they can make more money in real life. Enjoy our blog.

3 Facebook Advertising Objectives Every Auto Repair Shop Should Be Using In 2021 was originally published in Social Media For Business Owners on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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